10 Ideas to buy less, gains in existing home sales, mortgage rates fall, lifestyle budget cuts,  Pruneyard, Google in Sunnyvale, Tesla top auto employer in California, tap into stud space for more wall storage. Enjoy!

Gain in Existing U.S. Home Sales Lifts Spring Prospects - A pickup in real-estate listings that improves affordability will help bring homeownership within reach of more Americans, increasing the odds the industry will recover from a yearlong slowdown. A gain in home construction last month showed builders are responding to limited inventory at the same time mortgage rates retreat and lure prospective buyers.

Mortgage rates fall - lowest since October - Interest rates have been pushed down as investors, skittish about the economy, have abandoned stocks for U.S. Treasuries, according to Mike Fratantoni, chief economist for the Mortgage Bankers Association.

Lifestyle Budget Cuts to Afford a Mortgage - For first-time home buyers, setting aside enough money for a down payment and closing costs is often one of the biggest hurdles to homeownership. And when you factor in insurance, taxes, maintenance and other costs associated with owning a home, the total amount of money needed can seem overwhelming

Silicon Valley workers are saving more than you - Tech jobs and real estate aren't the only things booming in the Silicon Valley. Workers there are also socking away a lot more money for retirement.

The Pruneyard, a Silicon Valley mixed-use gem, hits the market for first time in 15 years - Since its opening in the early 1970s,Campbell's the Pruneyard mixed-use development has occupied a prominent place in Silicon Valley's real estate scene — but it has traded hands only infrequently. Now the 27-acre property is up for sale for the first time since 1999.

Google to take over former Palm HQ in Sunnyvale - Google Inc. has leased the former headquarters of Palm Computing Inc. in Sunnyvale, demonstrating that the No. 1 search advertising company's appetite for real estate shows no signs of abating — and showing again how the technology industry recycles the corpses of once-prominent companies.

Tesla Now California's Top Employer Among Automakers - Tesla Motors, the maker of electric cars and America's newest car manufacturer, has been named California's largest auto industry employer. The company currently employs over 6,000 people in the state, giving it the edge in size over even Toyota.

Tap Into Stud Space for More Wall Storage - Look to hidden wall space to build a nook that’s both practical and appealing to the eye. Some of my favorites

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