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Real Estatin' The Facts Market News - 9/17/2021

   Here's the weekly round-up of news. Check it out, save it for later, and/or share it with your friends. Enjoy! Bidding wars fall to lowest level since 2020   Source: Market Watch The frequency of bidding wars on homes has dropped to the lowest level this year — the latest sign that the housing market may be cooling and reverting back to its usual seasonal patterns.  Redfin found that 58.8% of the offers on homes written by the company’s real-estate agents faced competition in August, down from 62.1% the month prior and a peak of 74.3% reached back in April. Redfin defines a bidding war as any situation where there are at least two competing bids on a home.   Budget stresses weigh on consumers   Source: Qualia Nearly a third (30%) of buyers said that, to win in a competitive offer situation, they paid more than they anticipated on their home purchase. Of those who did, 32% paid $52,000 or more over the asking price, according to the Homebuyer Sentiment Index conducted by Qualia,