
March Home Maintenance

Spring is just around the corner, and for homeowners that means it's time for some important home maintenance tasks. As the weather warms up and the days get longer, it's the perfect time to give your home a little extra attention and ensure that everything is in good working order. In this blog post, we'll go over some of the most important home maintenance tasks to tackle this March. Inspect Your Roof:  Your roof is one of the most important parts of your home, and it's essential to keep it in good condition. Inspect your roof for any signs of damage, such as missing or cracked shingles, and have them repaired as soon as possible. A leaky roof can cause significant damage to your home, so it's important to address any issues right away. Clean Your Gutters:  Your gutters play a vital role in keeping water away from your home's foundation. Over time, they can become clogged with leaves, dirt, and debris, which can prevent them from functioning properly. Clean ou

Silicon Valley Real Estate Market News 3-9-2023

Here's the weekly round-up of news. Check it out, save it for later, and/or share it with your friends.  “More Homes on the Market Act,” reintroduced by House Representatives Jimmy Panetta (D-CA) and Mike Kelly (R-PA). increases the capital gain exclusion amounts on the sale of a principal residence to $500,000 for single filers and $1 million for joint filers and indexes the exclusion for inflation.  READ MORE     Market Minute Write up… While the Fed’s hawkish interest rate policy was expected to slow the economy and inflation, recent data continues to suggest otherwise. Despite the ISM services index slowing from the previous month, the service sector still expanded and is keeping pressure on prices. The labor market remains tight and is still not showing signs of deterioration with new weekly jobless claims remaining under 200,000 for the seventh consecutive week.  READ MORE     #siliconvalleytrusteepartners   #seniorrealestatespecialist   #siliconvalleyrealtor   #realestatecal

Why Changing The Narrative On Aging Is Important

As the world’s population ages, it’s important to understand the importance of changing the narrative and reframing aging. In the past, aging was often viewed as a time of decline and loss. But, with the increasing number of older adults, it’s more important than ever to change this narrative and shift our focus to the potential and opportunities that come with aging. So, why is changing the narrative and reframing aging so important? Here are a few reasons: 1. It encourages older adults to stay engaged and active:  When aging is viewed as a time of decline, older adults may feel like they’re no longer useful or valuable. This can lead to feelings of isolation, depression, and a lack of motivation to stay active and engaged in their communities. By reframing aging as a time of opportunity and growth, we can encourage older adults to stay involved, pursue new interests, and continue to contribute to society. 2. It challenges ageism and stereotypes:  Ageism is a form of discrimination th

Using Age Inclusive Language to Combat Ageism

Ageism is a form of discrimination that is often overlooked and normalized in our society. It is a prejudice against individuals based on their age, and it can manifest in many different ways, from exclusionary hiring practices to stereotyping in media and popular culture. One way to combat ageism is by reframing the language we use when talking about age. Language is powerful and can shape our perceptions and attitudes toward a particular group. By reframing the language used to describe older adults, we can challenge ageist beliefs and shift towards more inclusive and respectful language. Here are some tips for reframing ageism in language: Here are some tips on how to reframe ageism in language: Avoid using ageist language:  Words like “senior citizen,” “old-timer,” and “elderly” can be seen as ageist and imply that older adults are no longer valuable members of society. Instead, use language that is neutral and descriptive, such as “older adult” or “person in their golden years.” E

Real Estatin' The Facts Market News - 2/11/2022

   Here's the weekly round-up of news. Check it out, save it for later, and/or share it with your friends. First-time homebuyer guide: steps to get you started Source: Fox Business News Owning a home has been a pillar of the American dream for decades, and for good reason. Homeownership brings financial benefits like stable monthly payments and tax deductions, and intangibles like the ability to put down roots in your community. But now may or may not be the right time for you to take the leap and buy your first home. Before you go any further, you’ll first want to go through some steps including deciding whether homeownership is right for you, getting your finances into shape, setting your budget and saving for a down payment.   READ MORE...  CA housing affordability inches up in 4th-quarter 2021 Source: CALIFORNIA ASSN. OF REALTORS® A tempering of home price growth combined with a solid increase in household incomes improved the affordability outlook for Californians in the fourt

Real Estatin' The Facts Market News - 1/28/2022

   Here's the weekly round-up of news. Check it out, save it for later, and/or share it with your friends.  Buyers view record low number of homes before purchasing Source: National Assn. of REALTORS® Last year, home buyers viewed a median of eight homes before purchasing — the lowest number on record, according to research from the National Association of REALTORS®. That’s fewer than in 2009 and 2011, when housing inventory was more plentiful and buyers viewed a median of 12 homes before buying. Among the median eight homes viewed by buyers, three were viewed online only with the help of virtual and video tours as well as virtual open houses, according to NAR data.  READ MORE... Upgraded building codes help reduce wildfire risk Source: Market Watch Upgrading California’s building codes reduced the average risk of structural loss in a wildfire by roughly 40% for homes built in 2008 or later, as compared with a home built in 1990, researchers from University of California, San Diego

Real Estatin' The Facts Market News - 1/21/2022

   Here's the weekly round-up of news. Check it out, save it for later, and/or share it with your friends. Enjoy! HUD gives owner-occupied buyers early chance Source: Federal Housing Administration In an effort to make more HUD-owned properties available to owner-occupants and non-profit organizations, the Federal Housing Administration doubled its exclusive listing period on certain HUD single-family and real estate-owned homes that will give owner-occupant buyers more time to bid on the properties ahead of investor competition. The extended exclusive listing period for bids will begin on March 1. Individuals, families, HUD-approved nonprofit organizations, and government entities will then have 30 days to review new listings of single-family homes on HUD’s REO sale site, HUD HomeStore. That is up from a 15-day exclusive period that is currently in place.  READ MORE...   2021 CA housing market posts best performance in more than a decade Source: CALIFORNIA ASSN. OF REALTORS® Calif