
Showing posts from November, 2021

Real Estatin’ The Facts Market News – 11/26/2021

   Here's the weekly round-up of news. Check it out, save it for later, and/or share it with your friends. Enjoy! What to know if you’re thinking about buying a home soon Source: Market Watch With mortgage rates near historic lows and housing prices on the rise, potential homebuyers may be wondering whether they should buy now. Experts say to stop trying to time the market looking for the perfect time to buy and instead, focus on your personal circumstances. For instance, if you plan to be in the home for 5 years or more, buying instead of renting likely makes the most sense. But understand what you can truly afford, and don’t get caught up in the real estate frenzy.  READ MORE...  How the pandemic changed the housing market  Source: Marketplace As with many other industries, the pandemic accelerated technological change in real estate. Going forward home buying will be different from what we were once used to. For instance, home searching will be much more high-tech, such as using

Real Estatin' The Facts Market News - 11/19/2021

   Here's the weekly round-up of news. Check it out, save it for later, and/or share it with your friends. Enjoy!  Baby boomers playing a larger role in housing market Source: Zillow Baby boomers are taking part in the housing market at a much higher rate than they had in 2009. Buyers over the age of 60 jumped 47% from 2009 to 2019. In the same time frame, those between the ages of 18 to 39 dropped 13%, according to Zillow. With an aging population helped by an improving economy, individuals of every age group over 30 were buyers at higher rates in 2019 than those same age groups in 2009. Zillow said the 2008 recession played a role in the lower number of Baby Boomers participating in the market during 2009 as well as a decrease in construction.  Read more...  Mortgage delinquencies fall to lowest level since pandemic Source: CoreLogic With homeowners keeping up with their mortgage payments or arranging for loan modifications with their service providers, the overall delinquency ra